Water Policy
Water Policy
Resolute recognises access to water as a fundamental human right and seeks to implement robust management systems, practices, standards and safeguards to drive sustainable and responsible water management in the catchments it operates in.
Resolute is committed to identifying and managing water catchment risks, set targets to increase efficiencies in water use, implement measures to improve water recycling, ensure tracking and monitoring of water usage performance and local water availability, and regularly and inclusively engage with all relevant stakeholders to enable the establishment of sustainable water management systems.
Access to water is essential to support mining activities and is used for ore processing (e.g., grinding, flotation). Site level water management procedures ensure water is used efficiently, limiting the volumes abstracted and reusing water where possible. Water abstraction at both Mako and Syama is performed in accordance with applicable regulatory licences and below authorised withdrawal targets. This is supplemented by accumulated rainfall and a significant volume of TSF decant water used for processing.
A review of site water balance is ongoing at both sites, with the aim of achieving a 70% recycling rate to align with industry leading practice. Water Management Teams have been established at both sites which consist of operational, environmental and community personnel to ensure the strategic oversight of water consumption practices in accordance with Resolute commitments.
Resolute aims to avoid the release of pollutants, or when avoidance is not possible, minimise and control the intensity and mass flow of their release. Resolute maintains a comprehensive surface and groundwater monitoring program at its operating sites.