Resolute is committed to environmental stewardship and will seek to implement robust management systems, practices and standards to mitigate impacts and safeguard natural resources for future generations. We follow international leading practice in the management of environmental impacts and risks through the evaluation of all technically and financially feasible alternatives and the application of the mitigation hierarchy. We set Company targets to drive accountability and improve environmental performance, and proactively disclose environmental information to relevant stakeholder groups. Resolute’s environmental performance is regularly externally audited.
As a member of the World Gold Council, Resolute is aligning with the Responsible Gold Mining Principles and is developing good practice approaches taking into consideration, but not limited to, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards and the International Council of Mining & Metals (ICMM) Sustainable Development Framework.
Resolute’s approach to environmental management is underpinned by its Corporate Environment Policies which are supported by Corporate Environmental Standards, Frameworks and Strategies that clarify expectations, ensure alignment across operations and drive performance improvements.
These corporate policies and standards are applied at the operations through a site level Environmental Management System (EMS), which account for site specific environmental risks, opportunities and the regulatory context. The EMS is comprised of an Environmental Management Plan and relevant Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), including monitoring, evaluation, and reporting mechanisms. Resolute has attained ISO 14001 EMS certification across all its assets.