Resolute maintains high standards for tailings management, taking a proactive approach to support the operation of safe tailings storage and heap-leaching facilities, during all phases of the facilities lifecycle. The company’s Responsible Tailings Management Policy provides clear asset-level guidance and implements robust management systems, practices, standards and safeguards to mitigate adverse impacts.
Resolute welcomed the publication of the new Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM) and is committed to align its management practices with the GISTM by 2023. We disclose our tailings performance annually, in accordance with the ICMM guidelines and the GISTM.
Resolute currently owns and operates two Tailings Storage Facilities (TSF), in Mako and Syama. Both assets have appointed an external Engineer on Record to guide site activities in accordance with TSF design and operational requirements. Annual external TSF audits are undertaken at each site to confirm TSF structural integrity and responsible management practices.
No significant issues were identified during the latest annual audits and there have been no incidents relating to the structural integrity of tailings dams in Resolute’s history.
The Company is not currently constructing, closing, or decommissioning any tailings storage facilities.